HTML Entity Encoder/Encoder
Encode or decode HTML entities in your string without online tools. allows you to quickly encode or decode HTML entities string without any internet connection. It supports various options to decode/encode HTML entities: allow unsafe symbols, decimal format, etc...

Quickly encode/decode HTML entities
You can encode/decode a HTML entities string from anywhere in your macOS (terminal, in email, web browser,...).DevUtils will inspect your clipboard content and automatically select the HTML Entity Encoder/Decoder tool if the content contains decodable HTML entities. Activate the app by:
- Copy text → Press ⌃⌥⌘Space
(Or your own customized hotkey, up to you) - Copy text → Click to icon
in the status bar - Select text → Right-click → "Inspect in"
(This menu appears after you install the app)
Enter your string in the input textbox. If you already have the string in your clipboard, just click the "Clipboard" button, and the tool will use the content in your clipboard as input.
The encoded/decoded string will be displayed in the bottom text view. Click "Copy" to copy the output string to your clipboard.
When you activate the app, DevUtils will inspect your clipboard content and automatically select the HTML Entity Encoder/Decoder tool if the content contains decodable HTML entities. You can disable this automatic feature by unticking the option in the setting panel (the gear icon).
The tool currently supports the following options:
- Allow unsafe symbols: Specifies if unsafe ASCII characters should be skipped or not.
- Use decimal format: Specifies if decimal character escapes should be used instead of hexadecimal character escapes whenever numeric character escape is used.
- Encode everything: Specifies if all characters should be escaped, even if some characters are safe.
- Use named references: Specifies if named character references should be used whenever possible.
- Strict decoding: Specifies if HTML5 parse errors should be thrown or simply passed over.