Generate example strings like Lorem Ipsum, email addresses, names, words, sentences... easily and conveniently without online tools. allows you to quickly generate example strings right in your macOS without any internet connection.

Quickly generate Lorem Ipsum
You can generate Lorem Ipsum and other example strings from anywhere in your macOS (terminal, in email, web browser,...). Activate the app by:
- Copy text → Press ⌃⌥⌘Space(Or your own customized hotkey, up to you)
- Copy text → Click to icon in the status bar
- Select text → Right-click → "Inspect in"(This menu appears after you install the app)
Generate a new example string by clicking into any of the buttons:
- Paragraph
- Sentence
- Word
- Title
- First name
- Last name
- Full name
- Short tweet
- Long tweet
If you want to generate more, simple click and hold the button. DevUtils will generate the example string continuously.
The generated string will be shown in the textbox on the right. There are 3 modes:
- Append: add the newly genereted string to the end of the existing string
- Append as line: add the newly genereted string to a new line
- Replace: delete all existing string before generating a new one

DevUtils can also help you with a lot of other tasks: Format JSON string, decode Base64, debug your RegExp, compare text diff, and many more. Click here to learn more and give it a try!